Unveiling the Obscure: The Hidden Gems of Destiny 2 Knowledge

Delve into the depths of Destiny 2 lore and uncover the most obscure pieces of knowledge shared by the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey through the secrets of Destiny 2 as players share their most obscure pieces of knowledge. From hidden lore gems to gameplay mechanics, discover the mysteries that lie within the world of Destiny.


  • Discover unique lore insights like Cabal’s Fantasy Football and Guardian traditions.
  • Uncover gameplay secrets such as the hidden Exotic Perk of a green machine gun.
  • Explore the world-building details, like the Tower’s Splash Zone for dancing Guardians.

Obscure Lore Gems

One player reveals that Cabal have their own Fantasy Football league, drawing units from different legions. The lore expands with details about televised Crucible matches watched by the Last City residents.

Gameplay Secrets Revealed

A surprising revelation uncovers a green machine gun with an Exotic-like perk in Destiny 1 Crucible matches, showcasing the unexpected power of obscure weapons.

World-Building Wonders

The Tower’s acknowledgment of dancing Guardians without music and the Splash Zone to avoid accidents add quirky charm to the game’s setting, blending humor with lore seamlessly.

Immerse yourself in the mysteries and curiosities hidden within Destiny 2 as the community unearths the depths of knowledge waiting to be discovered.