Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Unbalanced Sett 3* Causes Complaints

Users debate Sett 3* balance issue in TFT. Is it skill or game flaw?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are heatedly discussing the balance issues surrounding Sett 3* in the game. A Reddit post titled ‘Saw someone lose with Set 3*, I present you this’ by user xynn9 sparked a lively debate within the community.


  • Sett’s 3* performance is underwhelming compared to other high-cost units.
  • Players suggest that Sett’s ultimate ability should have a wider impact radius.
  • Some players express frustration with the unbalanced nature of the current set, citing specific examples of unfair matchups and item interactions.

Sett 3* Struggles

Many players in the TFT community believe that Sett at 3* level faces significant challenges compared to other expensive units. User Nick_Jay points out that while Sett can be powerful when properly itemized, he lacks sustainability and impact compared to champions like Annie.

Frustration with Balance

Some players, like ReverseGiraffe120, express frustration with the overall balance of the current TFT set. They highlight issues with champion strength discrepancies, item effectiveness, and perceived unfair advantage of certain units like Kayn and Bard.

Looking to the Future

Players like Moe163 are already speculating on potential changes for Sett in future patches. Suggestions range from increasing Sett’s squad power to reverting previous nerfs to make him more impactful in battles.

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