Unveiling the Mystery of Shale in Baldur’s Gate: Reddit Reactions

Explore the hilarious Reddit reactions to Shale's appearance in Baldur's Gate and why players can't help but joke about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to dive into the wacky world of Baldur’s Gate? Well, get ready because we’re about to explore a gem from Reddit that has the community buzzing.


  • Players mistake Shale from Dragon Age for a character in Baldur’s Gate, leading to hilarious comments.
  • Some comments speculate on how Shale ended up in Baldur’s Gate, sparking imaginative theories.
  • The community bonds over the shared confusion and amusement, creating a fun interaction.

Shale’s Identity Crisis

When Different_Space_9620 innocently shared a post titled “Don’t worry, Shale isn’t real and can’t hurt you…” on the Baldur’s Gate subreddit, little did they know the chaos that would ensue. Instead of referring to a character from the game, players immediately associated Shale with the iconic golem from Dragon Age: Origins. The confusion was palpable, but the laughter was contagious.

A Comedic Conspiracy

One user, juicy-heathen, hilariously admitted, “Glad I’m not the only one who thought of the DA:O character.” This sentiment echoed through the comments section, with many players sharing their initial mix-up between the two games. TheCosmicWombat chimed in, humorously asking, “But where’s Shale? I want my snarky Golem…” The community’s penchant for inside jokes and cross-references made this mix-up even more enjoyable.

The Enigmatic Appearance

MistressAerie, in a moment of candid curiosity, pondered, “What on earth CAUSES that? Is it a weird mod? A glitch?” The image of Shale’s presence in Baldur’s Gate left many scratching their heads, showcasing the playful side of the community. From speculations about in-game transformations to clever role-playing scenarios, the subreddit buzzed with imaginative possibilities.

As players continued to banter and share their amusement, it became evident that mistaken identities and quirky discoveries can lead to some of the most memorable moments in gaming communities. Whether it’s a genuine mix-up or a playful nod to another beloved franchise, the magic of video game discussions lies in the shared experiences and laughter they bring.