Fortnite: Waterbending vs. Bowcaster – The Ultimate Debate

Join the heated discussion on waterbending and bowcaster choices in Fortnite. Which side are you on?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are deeply divided over the choice between waterbending and bowcaster weapons. Users on the FortNiteBR subreddit are passionately discussing their preferences and the pros and cons of each option.


  • Waterbending praised for long-range accuracy and destructive power
  • Bowcaster favored for its one-shot potential and nostalgic appeal
  • Some players feel frustrated by the imbalance of certain weapons

Waterbending: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Many Fortnite enthusiasts are singing the praises of waterbending for its unparalleled accuracy and sheer devastation from afar. User WedgedEmu220 expressed their preference for waterbending, highlighting its exceptional long-range capabilities: “Waterbending, hands down.”

Bowcaster: Nostalgia Meets Lethality

On the other side of the debate, fans of the bowcaster are reveling in its one-shot potential and the rush of nostalgia it brings. User Affectionate_Kick705 drew parallels between their experience with another game and the bowcaster in Fortnite: “Bowcaster all the way, years of maining Future Cactus in GW2 have trained me for it.”

The Gamut of Opinions

The discussion is not without its dissenting voices. User GifanTheWoodElf expressed frustration with the power of waterbending, labeling it as overpowered: “Waterbending is completely f***ing OP, hate that it wasn’t vaulted.” Meanwhile, user Oxford-Comma9173 shared their exasperation with the current state of gameplay: “Doesn’t really matter what I’m choosing right now. Getting dropped with champs and unreals and getting beamed between the eyes halfway across the map.”

While some players are enjoying the choice between waterbending and bowcaster, others are feeling the pressure of an imbalanced playing field. The debate rages on as Fortnite enthusiasts weigh the strengths and weaknesses of their preferred weapons.