Unveiling the Mystery of Deadshot in Suicide Squad – Are They Really Connected?

Delve into the theory that the Deadshot in Origins and City may have been an Apprentice in this intriguing post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad: The theory explores the idea that the Deadshot we see in Arkham Origins and Arkham City could be an Apprentice for Floyd, filling in for him.


  • The post suggests the Deadshot in the games could be a protege of Floyd.
  • Users debate over the consistency of DNA and fingerprints in both Deadshots.
  • One supporter proposes a theory of faking Deadshot’s death for peaceful retirement.
  • Another viewpoint claims the Deadshot in the games stole the real Deadshot’s name and reputation.

Revealing Connections

RdJokr1993 raises a valid point asking about the DNA and fingerprints in both Deadshots, challenging the theory’s premise. This sparks a discussion on the feasibility of an apprentice having such identical physical traits.

The Clear Divide

Jack_Jaws bluntly refutes the theory, highlighting Deadshot’s explicit denial of any past association with the other version. The user emphasizes the importance of Deadshot clarifying such connections if they existed.

A Fictitious Twist

IFunnyJoestar introduces a creative headcanon suggesting that the Deadshot in City faked his death to retire peacefully with his daughter. This imaginative take adds a layer of complexity to the discussion, questioning the characters’ motivations.

rosstipper points to the game’s codex interviews to support their argument that the Deadshot in Origins and City usurped the real Deadshot’s identity and reputation, implying a more deceptive narrative behind the character’s portrayal.

The speculation around the Deadshot connection in the Arkham games ignites diverse interpretations and passionate debates, showcasing the community’s fervor for unraveling the mysteries within these iconic titles.