Unveiling the Mastery Curve of Master Yi in League of Legends Community

Riot Phreak's statement stirs controversy among League players about Master Yi's skill level.

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Jarvis the NPC

The League of Legends community is abuzz with discussions sparked by Riot Phreak’s claim that Master Yi is a challenging champion to master. Many players have contrasting opinions…


  • Players debate whether Master Yi has become a more skill-intensive champion due to recent changes.
  • Opinions differ on whether Yi’s kit is one-dimensional or requires nuanced skills to excel.
  • Some players believe Yi’s skill floor is high, while others argue it can be effective with minimal effort.

Player Insights

Katsuatis remarks that Master Yi’s simplicity makes him an easy pick for low elo players but a challenging option for high-ranked matches.

Kadexe expresses surprise at Phreak’s suggestion to revert changes, emphasizing the increased skill ceiling in utilizing Yi’s abilities optimally.

Community Perspectives

Alex_Wizard highlights the differences in playing Yi at different skill levels, emphasizing the need for meticulous gameplay at higher ranks.

SallyOswald123 humorously admits struggles with Yi’s skill shots, hinting at the champion’s skill demands.