Suicide Squad: Is Playing Solo Worth It?

Want to tackle Suicide Squad solo? See what Reddit gamers recommend for a fun experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about playing Suicide Squad solo? Check out what Reddit gamers think!


  • Players find playing Suicide Squad solo enjoyable and viable.
  • Solo gameplay allows for exploring at your own pace.
  • A mix of opinions on matchmaking with some preferring solo play throughout.

Positive Solo Gaming Experience

For some like KlashXP, playing solo in Suicide Squad poses no problems, showing that it’s a viable option for some gamers. Even SirLagunaLoire completed the game solo, finding it highly enjoyable.

Challenging Missions Solo

While temporaryArrow notes that solo play can make some missions harder, it’s not a significant drawback for most players, as they still find the overall experience rewarding.

Varied Gameplay Experiences

Players like sideghoul have enjoyed both solo and multiplayer experiences, showcasing the game’s flexibility in catering to different playstyles. Additionally, Unhappy-Dust-9264 mentions the freedom in exploring the game at one’s own pace when going solo.