Unveiling Smite’s Legacy Gem Conversion Conundrum

Diving into the mysterious case of Legacy Gems conversion in Smite community with varying outcomes and puzzled players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Questions and concerns have arisen within the Smite community regarding Legacy Gem conversion. Players are puzzled about the discrepancies in their Legacy Gem count despite their long-term dedication to the game.


  • Players express frustration over the inconsistency in Legacy Gems received.
  • Speculation arises about the calculation methods and potential bugs in the system.
  • Some players report receiving unexpected amounts, leading to confusion and suspicion.
  • Community members offer theories and advice to navigate the situation.
  • Players Vent Their Frustrations

    Well-known Smite player, Citharae_, voiced their discontent with the meager sum of 200 Legacy Gems despite years of investment in the game. The community resonated with this sentiment, sharing similar experiences and raising concerns about the accuracy of the conversion process. As new players like QuestioningLife_ received 400 legacy coins with minimal effort, long-time devotees felt shortchanged, sparking a wave of dissatisfaction.

    Rumors and Speculations

    Amid the turmoil, rumors circulated regarding taxation on gems and disparities among player accounts. Users like Adorable-Durian-630 expressed bewilderment at witnessing inconsistencies in their gem balances compared to friends with lesser investment. Suspicion loomed over the unreliability of the conversion system, with worries that a bug might be at play. The lack of transparency in gem calculations left many pondering the validity of their accrued amounts.

    Community Support and Guidance

    Despite the chaos, voices of reason emerged within the community. dadnaya suggested that the apparent discrepancies could be a result of an ongoing bug and advised patience until the situation is rectified in future updates. Players like Gypsy315 and ParticularNew5208 shared their unexpected windfalls in gems, adding complexity to the overarching confusion. Suggestions ranged from seeking assistance from Customer Support to questioning the inclusion of various gem sources in the conversion process, igniting discussions on the intricacies of Legacy Gem computation.