Ultimate FIFA Fodder: Premium PL and BWSL Upgrade (Repeatable)

Discover the uproar in FIFA community as players discuss the Premium PL and BWSL upgrade possibilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of packs giving you the same old players in FIFA? Well, it seems like the community at r/EASportsFC is buzzing about the Premium PL and BWSL Upgrade being repeatable…


  • Players excited about new repeatable upgrade
  • Diverse outcomes, from TOTY pulls to fodder cards
  • New players unsure of upgrade’s worth

The Joy of Upgrades

“Finally! I got a full transferlist waiting for this moment,” exclaimed one user, indicating a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The Curse of Dupes

“So happy to see this… feels like I have every gold rare in my club with the amount of dupes I get,” one player lamented, showcasing the frustration of duplicate cards.

Conflicting Opinions

“Is this worth doing? I’m new to the game,” asked a perplexed user, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the upgrade process for beginners.

The FIFA community is abuzz with excitement and skepticism, showcasing the diverse range of emotions players experience with the game’s new features. From exhilarating TOTY pulls to frustrating duplicate cards, the Premium PL and BWSL Upgrade is stirring up quite the storm in the virtual football world.