Unveiling Behemoth: Granblue Fantasy’s Rare Sigil Drop Rates Revealed

Dive into the rare sigil drop rates datamine for Granblue Fantasy and discover the surprising odds players face!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players recently unearthed the rare sigil drop rates through an intriguing datamine, shedding light on the mysterious odds players encounter in the game. Let’s delve deeper into this revelation!


  • The datamine uncovered astoundingly low drop rates, with some items having a minuscule percentage, baffling players.
  • Players shared humorous experiences, like getting multiple rare drops in a single run, defying the odds.
  • The rarity of certain items left players frustrated, feeling the struggle of farming for elusive rewards.

Behemoth’s Secret Revealed

Granblue Fantasy’s Behemoth, notorious for its formidable presence, now reveals another layer of challenge with its rare sigil drop rates. Delving into the datamine results, players were astonished by the abysmally low drop percentages, leading to both amusement and frustration.

Astonishing Odds and Player Reactions

Among the findings, one player, Akadiel, couldn’t help but chuckle at the 60.01% probability of receiving nothing—a stark reminder of the RNG whims of the game. Their comment resonated with many who have faced similar dry spells in drops.

Lucky Streaks and Misconceptions

Player SABOTAGE83 shared their incredulity at obtaining multiple Supp V drops consecutively, despite its 2% chance. The sheer luck left them questioning their perception of drop rates, believing the rare item to be more common than it actually was.

Player k2nxx voiced the common sentiment of struggling to obtain rare items, highlighting the collective frustration felt by many in the community when faced with the daunting task of farming for elusive rewards.