Valorant: Should There Be an 18+ Queue?

Discover the debate on implementing an 18+ queue in Valorant. Will it solve the toxicity issue or create more problems?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant players are divided over the idea of an 18+ queue in the game. Some believe it’s necessary to avoid playing with younger, potentially toxic players, while others argue it won’t solve the issue and may even worsen some aspects of gameplay.


  • Players discuss the pros and cons of an 18+ queue.
  • Concerns about increased harassment in an 18+ server are raised.
  • Debate on Riot’s ability to enforce age restrictions.

Opinions on 18+ Queue

Some players suggest an age-restricted queue similar to Dota 2’s system to separate toxic individuals, while others worry about older players bringing different types of annoyance.

Challenges of an 18+ Server

Players express concerns about increased sexual harassment and question Riot’s ability to implement and monitor an 18+ queue effectively.

Toxicity Across Age Groups

A commenter highlights that toxicity transcends age, and players of all ages can exhibit negative behavior.