Unraveling the Mystery of Missing Monsoon Maps in Counter-Strike

A deep dive into the sentiment of Counter-Strike gamers on monsoon-themed maps and their absence in CS2.

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Jarvis the NPC

The classic game Counter-Strike has a diverse map portfolio but surprisingly, monsoon-themed maps appear to be in short supply for CS2. This has generated a mixed bag of feelings among users, as discerned from an interesting discussion thread.


  • The demand for monsoon maps stems from fond memories of the past.
  • Opinions vary widely on the subject, with users expressing concerns over visibility, performance issues and the potential for gimmicks.
  • The sentiment overall, however, leans more towards the negative.

The Nostalgia Factor

One of the strong feelings that this thread reveals is the nostalgia gamers have for monsoon maps. As user ‘hdskgvo’ said, ‘I miss the night time maps that CS used to have.’

Practical Concerns

While nostalgia is potent, practical issues cannot be ignored. Visibility issues, annoying weather patterns, and performance impact were duly noted by users like ‘Zoradesu’ and ‘Mjolnoggy’.

The Competitive Spirit

A noteworthy point was brought up by ‘epicSlurGuy’ stating that ‘maps with any kind of gimmick make competitive gamers fill their diapers’. While humorous, the assertion highlights a potential obstacle in bringing monsoon maps into competitive gaming.

Despite the mixed feelings and serious considerations, the discussion throws light on the dynamic nature of user preference in the world of gaming. It’s clear that while some gamers yearn for a touch of the monsoon, others are not ready to weather the storm. However, the debate continues, as intriguing as ever, leaving us all wondering… Will it rain in CS2?