Unraveling the Mystery of Korlok Tyrant-Weeds in Deep Rock Galactic

Join us on a journey through the confusion and surprises of Korlok Tyrant-Weeds in Deep Rock Galactic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the world of Deep Rock Galactic with a post that leaves players scratching their heads. Ever wondered how those Korlok Tyrant-Weeds truly function despite hundreds of hours of gameplay?


  • Players share mixed experiences on triggers for Korlok Tyrant-Weeds.
  • Opinions range from proximity-based activation to potential bugs.
  • Varied player encounters spark debates on game mechanics.

Insights into Korlok Activation

One user, Pa3kc123, recalled instances where the weed activated without direct contact: “Wha? I’ve run into it multiple times and it activated out of nowhere. U sure yours wasn’t bugged or something?”

Speculations Run Wild

User jj999125 took a unique perspective suggesting that the weed may have contracted a form of toxoplasma gondii from a passing hiveguard.

Game Mechanics or Glitches?

Players like Kenos77 suspect bugs, noting, “Korlok always triggers if you get too close.” Meanwhile, KokakGamer humorously shared, “My korloks trigger from across the map lol.”

What truly triggers a Korlok Tyrant-Weed is still a mystery, with players debating the mechanics and potential bugs in the game. The varying experiences highlight the rich depth of encounters players face in Deep Rock Galactic.