Unlocking the Skies: Helldivers Jump Pack Ideas Explode on Reddit

Helldivers users debate whether the jump pack needs a rework or an additional stratagem in this lively reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players take to Reddit to discuss potential improvements to the jump pack stratagem, drawing inspiration from games like Battlefront.


  • Players crave more control and variety in jump pack usage.
  • Suggestions range from reduced cooldowns to added hover abilities.
  • The community is divided on whether the jump pack needs a complete overhaul or just minor tweaks.

Jump Into Action

Many users express frustration with the jump pack’s current cooldown, with some deeming it overly restrictive. They advocate for shorter cooldowns to enhance gameplay fluidity.

Hovering Hope

Others propose adding a hover option to the jump pack, allowing for greater aerial control and strategic movement. This suggestion aims to introduce new dynamics to combat scenarios.

Divided Opinions

The community remains split between those who believe the jump pack needs a complete rework for optimal usability and others who appreciate its current place in Helldivers’ gameplay. This divide reflects differing playstyles and preferences among users.

Helldivers players showcase their creativity and passion for enhancing the game’s mechanics through lively discussions on jump pack alternatives. The diverse range of ideas demonstrates the community’s dedication to improving the player experience. Whether seeking minor adjustments or radical changes, players are united in their quest to elevate the skies of Helldivers.