Unite the Dwarves: Deep Rock Galactic Fans Petition for Bandana Eyebrow Movement

Deep Rock Galactic fans launch a playful petition to relocate bandanas to eyebrows, sparking a debate on customization options.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the depths of subterranean mines, where dwarves with glorious beards and tools of the trade traverse treacherous terrain, a peculiar plea has emerged. A petition within the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit seeks to revolutionize the fashion sense of these stout miners by relocating bandanas to their eyebrows.


  • Players yearn for more customization options, specifically in the realm of headgear.
  • Devs have expressed limitations due to clipping issues and the extensive effort required for revamping existing cosmetics.
  • Community humor shines through misread posts and playful banter.

Players Yearn for More Customization

The desire for enhanced customization options in Deep Rock Galactic is palpable among the player base. Users like Yurasi_ express frustration at being forced to choose between different cosmetic items, highlighting a common sentiment of wanting more flexibility in personalizing their dwarven characters.

Devs Address Limitations

While players advocate for eyebrow bandanas, developer decisions are grounded in practicality. As JumpCiiity points out, technical constraints such as clipping issues and the monumental task of remodeling all cosmetics pose significant obstacles to implementing such changes.

Community Humor and Unity

Amidst the petition signing and serious discussions, lighthearted moments add a touch of humor to the thread. Substantial-Luck-646’s confusion over reading ‘banana’ instead of ‘bandana’ provides a comical interlude, showcasing the community’s penchant for playful banter.

As players rally behind the cause of eyebrow bandanas, their shared enthusiasm for customization options and community camaraderie shines through in this delightful digital excavation within the depths of Reddit’s gaming realm.