Unlocking the Mystery of Supp DMG in Granblue Fantasy Subreddit

Delve into the world of Granblue Fantasy subreddit discussions on sup damage and attack buffs.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussions are buzzing in the Granblue Fantasy subreddit about the possibility of Supp DMG V+ coming with ATK UP. Let’s unravel this conundrum!


  • Users debate the merits of pairing Supp DMG V+ with ATK UP.
  • Some players prefer utility-focused supports over ATK rolls.
  • An analysis of ideal rolls for Supp DMG V+ sparks contrasting opinions.

Exploring the Threads

The thread initiator, S-Aaron-Magnus, speculates on the potential combination of Supp DMG V+ and ATK UP, seeking input from the community. This query triggers a lively debate among users, with varying perspectives.

Deciphering User Opinions

Erthan-1 expresses a desire for supports with unique utilities, emphasizing the complexity of balancing stats and skills. Contrarily, Endgam highlights the versatility of non-orange skills in combination with Supp DMG, cautioning against overvaluing ATK bonuses.

Community Insights

The community’s response showcases a diverse range of preferences regarding support build strategies. From prioritizing niche utilities to evaluating the significance of ATK enhancements, each user contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding sup damage in Granblue Fantasy.