Unbelievable Encounter in Baldur’s Gate: An Extra Ketheric Spawned!

A player faces an unexpected challenge in Baldur's Gate's mindflayer colony.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine you’re in Baldur’s Gate, facing off against Ketheric in the mindflayer colony. The battle is intense, with surprises at every turn. All of a sudden, just as victory seems within reach, another Ketheric appears at full health! What a nightmare! Let’s dive into this unexpected twist in the game world.


  • Unexpected challenge disrupts player experience
  • Community shares frustration over the bug
  • Suggestions on how to handle the situation

Community Outrage

A user, DestinovaEthereal, expresses frustration at losing in honor mode due to the additional Ketheric spawn. The user updates the situation, confirming the loss due to this bug

Humor in Adversity

Jokes_19 lightens the mood with a witty comment about the unexpected turn of events in the game

A Call for Extreme Measures

MagicCookie54 suggests a drastic response to the challenging encounter in honor mode, showcasing the extent of the frustration among players