Unlocking the Mystery of 13 Brainiacs in Suicide Squad: Insights from the Reddit Community

Discover how the community in r/SuicideSquadGaming tackles the curious case of 13 Brainiacs. Join the discussion now!

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gaming fans are diving into the enigma of 13 Brainiacs. What are their thoughts on this peculiar game challenge?


  • Players faced with the locked nexus dilemma seek solutions within the community.
  • The issue appears to persist but fades after certain in-game milestones are reached.
  • Some players find the situation annoying initially but adapt strategies to cope with it.

Unlocking the Mystery

MrClue415 humorously termed the situation as ‘Lexplanation,’ indicating the frustration players feel.

The Persistence of the Puzzle

RdJokr1993 shared their similar experience during the start of season 1, suggesting a potential recurring bug.

Annoying but Manageable

haolee510 offers a practical approach to dealing with the locked nexus, highlighting individual preferences in handling the situation.

Coping with Unrealistic Expectations

Dark-Cloud666’s sarcastic comment pokes fun at the idea of 13 seasons, reflecting a mix of amusement and skepticism within the community.