Deep Rock Galactic: Fellow Miners Wishlist and Suggestions

Miners break down their wishlist for Deep Rock Galactic updates—weapons in dire need of rebalancing and reworks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic miners are abuzz discussing potential rebalances and reworks for in-game weapons. A recent post by T3mpe5T unveils some crucial insights:


  • Autocannon and Warthog face criticisms for underperformance against other options
  • Players want Bulldog, autocannon, and Zhukovs to receive attention
  • The community is eager to see more updates beyond the current offerings

Mining Master’s Take

Mining_Master points out the overshadowing of certain weapons by others, like the coilgun

ArtZen_pl’s Critiques

ArtZen_pl expresses dissatisfaction with certain weapons like Drak and Autocannon

iSiffrin’s Recommendation

iSiffrin suggests a specific build for the Gas Recycling Zhukovs

Director’s Wishlist

different-director-a desires improvements for Subata and Cryocannon

Cr3iZieN’s Insights

Cr3iZieN highlights the strengths and weaknesses of various weapons for different classes

Danubinmage64’s Defending Warthog

Danubinmage64 defends the Warthog’s current state against criticisms

Lotos_aka_Veron’s Call for Buffs

Lotos_aka_Veron advocates for buffs and reworks for PGL, Drak, and EPC