Unleashing the Fury: Tekken 8 Clan Displeased with Latest Rollout

The Tekken 8 community is in disarray, with players expressing discontent over various game elements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Upon exploring the Tekken subreddit, a storm is brewing as players express their dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Tekken 8…


  • The introduction of microtransactions and a battle pass has left many feeling slighted.
  • Changes to matchmaking have caused frustration for some players.
  • The decision to crack down on mods has alienated a portion of the community.

Community Outcry

As one user lamented, “This moment was the biggest L ever inflicted in manga history, I remember my jaw dropped for a good 10 seconds when I saw the next panel for the first time”.

In-Game Grievances

Players have voiced their concerns about the introduction of microtransactions in a $70 game, highlighting a lack of transparency and communication from developers.

Matchmaking Meltdown

Several users have criticized the recent changes to matchmaking, citing issues that have negatively impacted their gaming experience.

Modding Mayhem

The crackdown on mods has sparked outrage within the community, with many feeling that it stifles creativity and undermines an essential part of the Tekken culture.