Unfair Draft Shenanigans in Clash Royale – A Redditor’s Lament

Exploring the frustrations with Draft mode in Clash Royale and how players are coping.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are venting their frustrations on Reddit about the unfairness of Draft mode. Let’s dive into the chaos!


  • Players feel overwhelmed by unfair Draft mode decks.
  • The challenge of multiple win conditions in a single draft creates frustration.
  • Some players find success while others struggle to adapt.

Frustrations Galore

Qilin364 kicked off the discussion expressing dissatisfaction, highlighting a situation where facing three win conditions and Ice Golem led to a grueling 20-game battle ram draft challenge. The struggle was real, and the sentiment echoed among fellow Redditors.

Mixed Reactions

SouthernStrawberry50 sympathized, acknowledging the imbalance in the opponent’s deck. One-Part-237 added a simple ‘Tell me about it,’ capturing the shared sentiment among players experiencing the same woes.

Practice Makes Perfect?

On the flip side, justHoma chimed in with a different perspective, boasting about their win streak and suggesting that practice makes all the difference. However, this contrasting view only added to the diverse range of reactions within the community.

The clash of opinions showcases the varied experiences players have with Draft mode, from feeling overwhelmed by unfair matchups to finding success through perseverance and skill.