Uncovering the Mysteries of Deep Rock Galactic’s Salvage Operations

Dwarves in Deep Rock Galactic question the preferential treatment of other teams in Salvage Operations. What secrets lie behind this disparity?

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling like second-class citizens? Dwarves in Deep Rock Galactic aren’t too happy with how they’re treated compared to other teams in the Salvage Operations mission. Let’s dig deeper into their frustrations and the theories behind these discrepancies.


  • Dwarves are questioning why they receive less support and inferior equipment compared to other salvage teams.
  • Mini-mules have been a point of contention, with concerns over their reliability and the treatment disparity.
  • Theory of management indifference and cost-saving strategies emerge as possible reasons behind the skewed treatment.

Revealing the Discrepancy

The post by OneMoreFinn sheds light on the frustrations of Deep Rock Galactic dwarves who feel slighted in salvage operations. The discrepancies in equipment and support between their team and others have raised eyebrows and generated a wave of discussion in the community.

Mini-Mules Misery

Users like Ser_Pounce_theFrench and different-director-a point out the flaws in mini-mules, highlighting their unreliability and inferiority compared to other equipment like Molly. The constant breaking of mini-mules raises concerns about the safety and effectiveness of using them in missions.

The Company’s Strategy

Br0k3Gamer offers a theory that Deep Rock Galactic’s past failures and the evolution of their mining strategies could explain the treatment disparity. The idea of cost-cutting and risk management leading to inferior equipment allocation becomes a plausible explanation for the dwarves’ plight.

Lingering Questions

While theories like racism and research expedition focus add comedic relief to the discussion, users like LunarWhaler and Danick3 delve into the deeper implications of the treatment. The idea of proving efficiency leading to lesser resources and the concept of different team roles provide intriguing perspectives on the issue.

As the community debates and theorizes on the reasons behind the questionable treatment of the dwarf teams in Salvage Operations, one thing remains clear – Deep Rock Galactic holds many mysteries yet to be uncovered.