The Nonsense of Tekken Matchmaking: A Deep Dive into Player Frustrations

Find out why Tekken players are raging about the new matchmaking system and its nonsensical prowess mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the whirlwind of Tekken matchmaking, feeling like the system is out there to get you? If you’ve felt the frustration, you’re not alone. Recently, a Reddit post by user Trip02 sparked a heated discussion about a problem that seems to fly under the radar in the Tekken community. Let’s dive into the chaos that is Tekken matchmaking.


  • The new matchmaking system in Tekken is causing distress among players due to its flawed prowess mechanics.
  • Players are experiencing challenges with demotion and matchmaking that do not reflect their actual skill levels.
  • Issues with long queues, separate rank ladders, and smurfing are amplifying the discontent.

The Rage Unleashed

One player, GrouchyAppearance146, unleashed a laundry list of woes concerning the new matchmaking system. From demotions not leading to easier games to the prevalence of smurfs, the frustration is palpable. The system’s focus on prowess levels seems to have obscured the core essence of fair play.

Gaming Frustrations

Tigercat01 shared a sentiment echoed by many – the mismatch between perceived prowess and actual skill level. The system’s inability to adapt to players trying out new characters is a sore point for those seeking a balanced playing field.

The Logic Lacking

Poutine4Supper and BranchReasonable9437 highlighted the irrationality of the prowess system. Poutine4Supper’s experience of demotions leading to prowess gains defies all logic, while BranchReasonable9437’s experiment on an alt account showcases the system’s gaps in implementation.

The Tekken community’s outcry against the new matchmaking mechanics is proof that change is necessary. With players feeling disheartened and the fun draining out of the game, it’s time for developers to step up and address the concerns raised. The essence of gaming lies in fair competition and enjoyable experiences, and it’s essential to ensure that these principles are upheld in Tekken and beyond.