Top Text & Emotes Ideas for Clash Royale – Reddit Feedback

What are players saying about new text and emote ideas for Clash Royale? Find out the reactions and suggestions here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are buzzing about new text and emote ideas in the latest Reddit thread. From hilarious suggestions to serious gameplay feedback, the community is lively!


  • Players eager for more expressive emotes
  • Creative ideas like level-based emotes
  • Differing opinions on the suitability of proposed emotes

Positive Reactions

Some players loved the humor and creativity behind the new emote ideas, with comments like “hhahahahhah perfect” and “i love the mega knight one.” These responses indicate a positive sentiment towards the proposed additions.

Negative Feedback

On the other hand, not all players were impressed, with comments such as “These are all stupid and cringe.” The divide in opinions showcases the varying tastes and expectations within the Clash Royale community.

Gameplay Impact

Some comments reflected on the potential impact of these emotes on gameplay, with concerns raised about using certain emotes to demoralize opponents. This highlights the strategic aspect of emotes in player interactions and competitive dynamics.