Top Final Fantasy Universe Drinking Buddies Revealed – Who Would You Choose?

Who would be your ideal drinking buddy in the Final Fantasy universe? Reddit users share their top picks and reasons why in this fun discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans gather on Reddit to discuss their ultimate drinking companions within the game lore. From the charming Balthier to the talkative Zidane, there’s no shortage of choices. Let’s dive into the community picks!


  • Laguna, despite his clumsiness, is a popular choice for his jovial nature.
  • Zidane’s charisma and storytelling make him an attractive pick for many players.
  • Characters like Wakka, Setzer, and even Cid spark interest for their unique personalities and experiences.

Community Picks

Many users expressed their admiration for Zidane, embracing his good-natured charm and entertaining stories. However, concerns were raised about his talkativeness after a few drinks.

Unique Choices

Some players opted for characters like Setzer and Cid for their carefree attitudes, while others preferred unconventional picks like Kimahri or Nanaki.

Fan Favorites

Balthier and Quistis garnered significant support for their suave demeanor and intriguing backgrounds, making them popular choices among the community.

When it comes to choosing your Final Fantasy drinking buddy, the possibilities are endless. Whether you prefer a lively storyteller or a laid-back companion, the game’s diverse cast offers something for everyone. Who would you raise a glass with in the world of Final Fantasy?