Unveiling Exotic Class Items in Destiny 2: Speculations and Dreams

Exploring the shared first three perks in exotic class items in Destiny 2 alongside players' aspirations.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are uncovering fascinating patterns in the perks of exotic class items, sparking excitement and speculation among the community. The observation that each of the 3 exotic class items shares the same first 3 perks in each column has led to various theories and desires.


  • Players are intrigued by the potential combinations and synergies offered by the shared perks in exotic class items.
  • Dreams and aspirations for powerful builds and unique playstyles are emerging within the community.
  • The varying opinions on the viability of certain perks reflect the diverse preferences and playstyles among players.

Excitement and Speculation

As player SushiJuice pointed out, the discovery of identical first 3 perks across exotic class items has ignited a wave of curiosity and excitement within the Destiny 2 community. Players like fearsmok00 are eager to explore combinations like the spirit of foetracer and star eater for potentially potent synergies.

Community Interpretations

Some players, such as Cayde518, have already begun theorizing about possible reworks and interactions implied by specific perks. The spirit of the bear perk has sparked discussions about a potential ursa furiosa rework to align with the new void aspect, showcasing the community’s attention to detail and speculation.

Vision for Unique Builds

Players like Xstew26 have shared their vision for powerful builds across different classes, emphasizing the diverse choices available. While some find the hunter class offerings appealing, others, like zane6181, express disappointment over missing opportunities for combinations they had hoped to see.

The evolving discussions around spirit combinations and perks like Combination Blow and Spirit of the Necrotic highlight the community’s creativity and desire for engaging gameplay experiences.

The excitement and speculation surrounding the shared first 3 perks in exotic class items in Destiny 2 exemplify the passion and creativity of the player base. As players continue to explore the possibilities offered by these patterns, the future of exotic class items holds promise for exciting and diverse gameplay experiences.