The Ultimate Voice Pack Debate in the World of Smite

Which voice pack reigns supreme in the realm of Smite? Dive into the passionate arguments within the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wonder which voice pack rules the roost in Smite? Let’s delve into the cacophony of opinions swirling around the iconic MOBA world.


  • The community is split on their favorite voice packs, with passionate endorsements for specific picks like Inuki, Swagni, or Bruce Buffer.
  • Some players enjoy randomizing their voice packs for added variety and fun.
  • Personal connections to certain packs, such as the Portuguese voice pack for its humor, add an extra layer of enjoyment for players.

The Voices of the Players

When it comes to the voice packs in Smite, players are as diverse as the pantheon of gods within the game. Some swear by the classics, like the Inuki pack which seems to have an eternal appeal.

Others veer towards the more flamboyant options, with mentions of the Swagni pack for those who like to bring a touch of swagger to their gameplay. It’s all about style points in the battlegrounds of Smite.

The Power of Nostalgia

For many players, the choice of voice pack goes beyond mere aesthetics. It’s about nostalgia and the emotional connection they have built over years of gaming. Take, for example, the fervent fans of the Khepri Announcer Pack who find solace in its familiar tones during heated matches.

Even the seemingly random choices hold a special place in players’ hearts, with some opting for the element of surprise by shuffling through voice packs like a deck of godly cards.

Personal Touches

One of the most charming aspects of the voice pack debate is the personal anecdotes shared by players. From the hilarious narrations of the Portuguese pack to the sheer loyalty to packs like Mezmoreyez, each choice reflects the unique preferences and experiences of the individuals behind the screens.

Ultimately, the voice pack you choose in Smite is more than just a soundbite – it’s a statement of your identity and a form of self-expression in the mystical battlegrounds where gods clash and mortals strive for glory.