The Ultimate Guide: Should I Keep or Reroll in Granblue Fantasy?

Discover the community's heated debate on whether to keep or reroll items in Granblue Fantasy!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy is known for its intricate items that often leave players in a dilemma: keep or reroll? The reddit community dived into this debate, offering contrasting opinions.


  • Players are split between optimizing stats and having fun.
  • Min-maxers advocate rerolling for better caps.
  • Others prefer a laid-back approach to enjoy the game.

Firephy’s Pro-Min-Max Stance

According to Firephy, the item in question is perfect, unless players aim for high attack damage caps.

Spectral_O’s Counter-Argument

Spectral_O suggests rerolling to show off and outdo fellow players.

No-Somewhere-7540’s Less is More Paradigm

No-Somewhere-7540 shares the benefits of a minimalist build, advocating against rerolling.

Significant_Fix3212’s Mixed Reviews

While acknowledging the item’s suitability, Significant_Fix3212 leans towards rerolling for better skill and attack caps.

The Granblue Fantasy community showcases diverse viewpoints, from hardcore optimization to relaxed enjoyment, offering players a spectrum of choices in their gameplay approach.