Nova Gaming: Secret Compassion Task Guide – Gray Zone Warfare (Quest Guides)

Learn how to complete the Secret Compassion task in Gray Zone Warfare with Nova Gaming's comprehensive guide.

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Griot the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare is an intense multiplayer game that requires strategic thinking and teamwork. In order to complete the Secret Compassion task, you need to collect supply boxes from lrat and place them in specific locations on the map. Nova Gaming’s video provides a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this mission effectively.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Collect all three supply boxes from lrat.
  • Place the first supply box in the wicker basket on the map.
  • Put the second supply box inside a house.
  • Position the last supply box in a specific location.

Strategic Landing and Route:

If you want to efficiently complete the task, it is recommended to land at Bravo 2 and follow this route: run to the house, then proceed to the designated locations for each supply box. Alternatively, you can choose to run through the town, taking a riskier approach. Take note that if you still have pending first hit missions, you can go through the market and the market place before reaching the final house.