The Top 5 Champions in League of Legends for Patch 12.22

We take a look at winningest champions with the release of patch 12.22

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The new patch for League of Legends has just been released, and with it comes a slew of changes to correct for game imbalance. We’ve used data from to see which champions are now exhibiting the highest win rates—some may surprise you. Keep reading to find out who made the cut!

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Top: Kled (52.75% Win Rate, 1.9% Pick Rate, 0.7% Ban Rate)

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Kled has had a meteoric rise to the top of league in patch 12.22. His high win rate and popularity can be attributed to his unique playstyle and versatile kit. He can take down enemies quickly and easily with his powerful basic attacks, and he’s also able to dismount them in order to get away if things start to go wrong. Kled is perfect for players who want to be able to adapt to any situation and take down their opponents quickly.

Jungle: Mordekaiser (53.93% Win Rate, 4.4% Pick Rate, 10.2% Ban Rate)

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Mordekaiser has always been a powerful champion, and his position at the top of the league in patch 12.22 is well deserved. His abilities allow him to deal sustained damage to enemies, and his immense strength allows him to take down even the toughest opponents. He’s perfect for players who want to be able to dish out a lot of damage and take down enemies quickly.

Middle: Singed (55.46% Win Rate, 0.6% Pick Rate, 0.5% Ban Rate)

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Singed is a champion in league of legends that is known for his abilities to deal a lot of damage as well as provide great crowd control. His abilities include fling, which throws an enemy unit towards your direction, poison, which damages enemies over time, and mega adhesive, which slows enemies down. Combined with his passive ability, Insanity Potion, Singed becomes an incredibly powerful champion that can take down even the toughest opponents.

Bottom: Karthus (53.66% Win Rate, 0.8% Pick Rate, 2.0% Ban Rate)

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All of Karthus’ abilities are incredibly powerful and can easily turn the tide of a game. His Lay Waste ability can easily take down enemies who are clustered together, and his Wall of Pain ability can keep enemies from escaping. His ultimate ability, Requiem, is an incredibly powerful spell that can deal massive damage to all enemies in the area.

Support: Janna (53.63% Win Rate, 6.4% Pick Rate, Ban Rate 2.1%)

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Janna is a support champion who is incredibly powerful in the right hands. Her abilities allow her to protect her allies and help them escape from dangerous situations. She’s perfect for players who want to be able to help their allies and keep them safe from harm.

So there you have it — the top champion in each position for patch 12.22. Be sure to try them out in your next game and see how they work for you!