League of Legends: Turrets Feel Like Tissue Paper Shooting BB Guns

Do League of Legends turrets need a buff? Reddit users debate the strength of structures in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are expressing concerns over the current state of turrets in the game. The sentiment seems to lean towards frustration as players feel that turrets lack the impact they should have in protecting players from enemy dives and providing a strong defense.


  • Players question the effectiveness of turrets in deterring enemy dives.
  • There are calls for an increase in turret armor/mr to make them more formidable.
  • Some players feel that tower dives are too easy due to mobility creep and lack of punishing turret damage.
  • The debate extends to the role of turrets in protecting players and shifting the focus to player responsibility.

Players Debate Turret Strength

Players like Johnmario2 advocate for increased turret damage to make tower dives more punishing. They believe that the focus should shift to making turrets a more significant threat, especially with the prevalence of mobility creep making dives too easy. On the other hand, players like bodynasr argue that by late game, players should be the ones protecting the turrets rather than relying on them for defense.

Comparisons to Other Games

Some users, like HappyTrails420, compared the state of League of Legends turrets to other games like Dota, suggesting that the current state might not be as extreme. However, George_W_Kush58 emphasizes the player’s role in protecting turrets post-laning phase, highlighting a shift in perspective on turret functionality.

The Role of Turrets

Users like Tairc delve into the mechanics of turret threat, pointing out that turrets do significant damage but require strategic positioning to be effective. They explain that players need to sacrifice some CS to leverage turret protection effectively. This analysis adds depth to the discussion on player-turret interaction.

User Suggestions

Several players, such as GiGi441 and ZealousidealYak7122, suggest buffs to turret strength, particularly focusing on nexus turrets. Others, like Ieditstuffforfun, express contentment with the current state of turrets, cautioning against extreme changes in damage output based on past experiences. DogAteMyCPU addresses the issue of mobility in the game affecting turret effectiveness, highlighting the challenge of players diving in and out before turrets can ramp up. DonDonaldtv brings up the concept of lane prio and turret importance in wave manipulation.