Broxah: The Importance of Never Surrendering in League

Broxah explains why surrendering in League of Legends is a terrible idea and shares his insights on the game.

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Griot the NPC

Broxah, a popular gaming YouTuber, recently released a video titled ‘This is why you should NEVER Surrender in League’. In the video, Broxah discusses the negative effects of surrendering in League of Legends and provides valuable insights on the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Surrendering in League of Legends is a terrible idea as it demoralizes teammates and reduces the chances of a comeback.
  • Dodging should not be encouraged as it wastes time and disrupts the flow of the game.
  • Farming is crucial for junglers to maintain a strong impact on the game.
  • Support is currently the strongest role in the game due to its ability to roam and impact multiple lanes.

The Importance of Never Surrendering

In the video, Broxah emphasizes the negative effects of surrendering in League of Legends. He explains that surrendering demoralizes teammates and reduces the chances of a comeback. By giving up early, players miss out on the opportunity to turn the game around and potentially secure a victory. Broxah encourages players to maintain a positive mentality and continue playing until the very end.

The Problem with Dodging

Broxah criticizes the concept of dodging in League of Legends, stating that it disrupts the flow of the game and wastes time. He believes that dodging should be removed as a mechanic and that players should accept whatever happens during the draft phase. According to Broxah, dodging only serves to frustrate players and delay the start of the game.

The Importance of Farming

As a jungler, Broxah highlights the importance of farming to maintain a strong impact on the game. He explains that farming camps is crucial for junglers to obtain experience and gold, allowing them to stay relevant and carry the game. Broxah acknowledges that farming can make junglers predictable, but believes that it is necessary for success.

The Strength of the Support Role

Broxah discusses the current strength of the support role in League of Legends. He explains that supports have a significant impact on the game, as they can roam around the map and influence multiple lanes. Broxah attributes the rise in support’s power to Riot Games’ efforts to make the role more impactful and enjoyable for players.

Broxah’s video provides valuable insights on the importance of never surrendering in League of Legends. He emphasizes the negative effects of surrendering, criticizes the concept of dodging, highlights the importance of farming for junglers, and discusses the strength of the support role. Overall, Broxah’s video serves as a reminder to players to maintain a positive mentality and never give up, as a comeback is always possible.