The Shocking Addition to Call of Duty Sparks Outrage Among Fans

Activision's latest move in Call of Duty has stirred controversy. Find out why fans are in an uproar.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are up in arms over a controversial addition to the game. Reddit users express their outrage at the inclusion of Jeffrey Dahmer as a character in the popular franchise.


  • Players are shocked and appalled by the insensitivity of incorporating a real-life serial killer into a video game.
  • Many users feel that this decision crosses a line and reflects poorly on Activision as a game developer.
  • The comparison to other potential controversial character additions, like Hitler or dictators, sparks debate on the boundaries of acceptable content in gaming.

Outrage Over Jeffrey Dahmer

One user comments, ‘Man that’s pretty distasteful,’ echoing the sentiment of many who find the inclusion of Dahmer highly inappropriate. The portrayal of the infamous serial killer in a game setting raises ethical concerns for players.

Potential Slippery Slope

Another user speculates on the possibility of even more extreme character skins and the potential implications on player behavior. The user highlights the notion that shock value may drive sales, but at what cost to the game’s integrity?

Ethical Concerns and Boundaries

A Reddit user delves into the differences between the proposed Riddler skin and the Dahmer portrayal, emphasizing the need for sensitivity in character design. The community debates the fine line between creativity and respect for real-life figures.

A user expresses surprise at the backlash faced by Activision, suggesting that the gaming company should have anticipated the negative response to such a controversial character addition. The community’s emotional reactions fuel discussions on ethics and taste in video game content.