Gaming News: Games You Can Complete Without Killing Anyone

Discover a unique challenge by completing games without taking a single life - what's the point if you don't deal any damage in-game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Many gamers enjoy the challenge of completing games without harming a single virtual soul. It’s a unique way to test your skills in a different light. The subreddit post in question initiated a discussion on games that allow players to achieve this feat, highlighting some popular titles. Let’s delve into the community’s thoughts on this interesting topic.


  • Some games provide the option to complete them without resorting to violence, offering a refreshing playstyle for those seeking a challenge.
  • Players appreciate the intentional design behind these non-lethal approaches, showcasing the developers’ creativity.
  • Titles like Metal Gear Solid, Dishonored, and Deus Ex have been praised for their non-lethal gameplay mechanics.

Metal Gear Solid: A Stealth Masterpiece

The Metal Gear Solid series has captured the hearts of many players with its emphasis on stealth and non-lethal takedowns. Fans admire the intricate level design and the thrill of outsmarting enemies without raising the alarm. Oh-four shared, ‘Metal Gear Solid series.’

Dishonored: Embracing Variety

Dishonored series embraces player choice, allowing for both lethal and non-lethal approaches. Ok_Mood3148 mentioned, ‘Dishonored series!’ The game rewards creativity and strategy, making each playthrough unique and engaging.

Deus Ex: Augmented Possibilities

Deus Ex offers players a cyberpunk world where they can tackle challenges using stealth or combat. agilecabbage highlighted the game’s versatility, stating, ‘Deus ex.’ The freedom to choose your playstyle adds depth to the narrative and gameplay experience.

These insightful comments shed light on the diverse opinions within the gaming community regarding non-lethal gameplay experiences. Each mentioned title offers a distinct approach to the concept, catering to players with varying tastes and preferences.