The Real Reason to Play Clash Royale – Redditors Share Their Frustrations

Redditors in Clash Royale subreddit express their frustrations with drop rates and game progression.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale is a game known for its unique blend of strategy and card-collecting. Players engage in intense battles using various cards and strategies to outwit their opponents. However, recent posts on the Clash Royale subreddit suggest that not all is well in the world of Clash Royale.


  • Players express frustration over common drop rates impacting their motivation to play.
  • Frustration with the lack of progress due to game mechanics changes in the season shop.
  • Comparisons to other games like Clash of Clans and perceptions of neglect from Clash Royale developers.

Players’ Frustrations

One Redditor lamented, ‘Every time I get a common drop, I regret playing at all that day.’ This sentiment was echoed by another player who cited experiencing a form of gambling addiction as a result of the game’s reward system.

Game Progression Woes

Another player mentioned feeling demotivated due to the removal of wild cards from the season shop, hindering their ability to progress in the game. This change seemed to lead some players to consider quitting Clash Royale altogether in favor of other games like Clash of Clans.

Neglect and Discontent

A lengthy post criticized Clash Royale’s current state, citing poor matchmaking, unfulfilling rewards, and neglect from developers. The player expressed dissatisfaction with the game’s current direction and mentioned finding more enjoyment in other Supercell games like Clash of Clans.

These sentiments shared by the Clash Royale community shed light on the frustrations and disappointments players are facing within the game. From perceived unfair drop rates to unaddressed game issues, it’s clear that some players are finding it difficult to stay engaged with Clash Royale. As the community continues to voice their concerns, it will be interesting to see how Supercell addresses these issues and works towards improving the player experience.