The Hardest Gold Fury Throws in Smite – A Community Reaction

Witness the chaos as players react to an epic Gold Fury throw in Smite!

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite is known for its intense battles and high-stakes moments, but sometimes things go hilariously wrong. Recently, a post on Reddit captured one of the hardest Gold Fury throws ever seen in the game.


  • Players react to a major Gold Fury blunder.
  • Comments show frustration and amusement.
  • Team coordination and decision-making under scrutiny.
  • Community empathizes with the players’ struggles.


Shazamwiches humorously points out the unconventional mana bar placement, adding a touch of levity to the situation.


RabidYiff expresses frustration at the team’s performance, highlighting the importance of teamwork in Smite.


Mccmatt123 jokes about how the situation would make them want to close the game, showcasing the impact of in-game events on player emotions.


Hot_Board5158 commends the resilience of the player who persevered through the Gold Fury throw, reflecting on the determination required to continue playing after such a setback.

Even in the face of adversity, the Smite community finds humor and camaraderie in moments like these. It’s these shared experiences that make the game truly special and keep players coming back for more.