Deep Rock Galactic: Dwarfhood in Peril – A Reddit Tale

The servers are down, but one dwarf persists. Will his stubbornness save or doom him in Deep Rock Galactic?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic’s servers are down, and one dwarf, distorteddreamer89, is determined to wait it out.


  • distorteddreamer89’s determination borders on obsession.
  • Community members express concern for his well-being.
  • Some humorously suggest remedies for his situation.

Elf Spit and Dwarven Redemption

As distorteddreamer89 persists, TheFloatingRazor3 warns of the peril of unknowingly drinking elf spit. VoidNomand adds a comedic touch, suggesting the consequence of betrayal to the ‘drillerhood.’

Camaraderie and Concern

Members like VinumNoctua and Hironymos express concern, pleading with distorteddreamer89 to stop his self-imposed torture. I-like-Portal-2’s heartfelt plea for self-care highlights the community’s caring nature.

Humor and Support

PrinceConquer420’s advice mixes humor with genuine concern, showcasing the camaraderie within the community. Meanwhile, New_Amount_4201 humorously predicts distorteddreamer89’s impending transformation.

Ultimately, this Reddit thread captures the essence of Deep Rock Galactic’s player base—a mix of humor, camaraderjson, and genuine care for one another in times of server downtime mayhem.