The Funniest Moments in Baldur’s Gate 3 That Will Make You LOL

Discover the hilarious mishaps and comedic moments that players experienced in their Baldur's Gate 3 playthroughs!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate has always been a treasure trove of unexpected and comedic moments, and the latest installment, Baldur’s Gate 3, is no exception. Players on the subreddit shared their funniest in-game experiences, ranging from chaotic combat scenes to quirky NPC interactions. Let’s dive into the laughter-inducing tales that unfolded in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3!


  • Players find humor in unexpected combat outcomes
  • Quirky NPC interactions add a comedic twist to the gameplay
  • Moments of party mishaps create hilarious scenarios
  • Players share their laughter-filled experiences

Yeeting Barcus and Chain Explosions

The tale of Yeeting Barcus from the windmill and triggering a chain explosion of fire and smokepowder left players in stitches. Kaelynneee’s encounter with the Zhentarim showcased how a simple barrel mishap led to a chaotic outcome, with unexpected comedic value.

Comedic NPC Interactions

Shadowheart standing on a cellar door and claiming she couldn’t see it while Tav pondered the existence of a hidden entrance beneath her feet provided a comedic moment that highlighted the party’s dynamics. Salty_tryhard’s witty retort to Astarion added a playful banter element to the game, creating a humorous exchange.

Combat Chaos and Party Blunders

From mind-controlled Barbarians breaking free due to raging instincts to embarrassing chest unlocking failures, players experienced a series of comedic combat and party mishaps. Watching Lae’zel, a level 1 warrior, bravely face a challenging fight only to meet a quick demise added a touch of irony and amusement to the narrative.

Unexpected Encounters

The random encounter at the Jannath estate showcased two NPCs engaging in a heated argument that escalated into a full-on duel, much to the surprise of the observing player. This element of unpredictability and hidden gems delighted players who stumbled upon these unique in-game moments.

The world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with laughter, chaos, and unexpected twists that keep players entertained and engaged. These comedic escapades shared by the players on the subreddit capture the essence of the game’s immersive storytelling and dynamic gameplay. Whether it’s a humorous combat mishap, a quirky NPC interaction, or an unexpected encounter, Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to provide players with moments that leave them laughing out loud and eager for more adventures in this captivating realm.