Strider: Did They Just Ruin Phantom Forces?

Strider discusses the addition of a stamina bar in Phantom Forces and shares his negative opinion on the change.

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Griot the NPC

Strider’s latest video discusses the recent addition of a stamina bar in the popular game Phantom Forces. The video begins with Strider mentioning that he conducted a poll on his Discord server, which revealed that most players were not in favor of the stamina bar. He goes on to explain that while sprinting and jumping do not deplete stamina, performing a slide or a super jump consumes a significant amount of stamina, limiting the number of consecutive slides or jumps a player can perform.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The addition of a stamina bar in Phantom Forces has received negative feedback from players.
  • Performing slides and super jumps consumes a significant amount of stamina.
  • Players have expressed concerns about the impact of the stamina bar on the game’s fast-paced and action-oriented gameplay.

Impact on Gameplay

Strider expresses his dissatisfaction with the stamina bar, stating that it goes against the core gameplay of Phantom Forces, which revolves around constant movement and action. He believes that players should be able to perform slides and super jumps without limitations, as these movements are essential for effective gameplay.

Player Feedback

Strider encourages his viewers to share their opinions on the stamina bar in the comments section. While acknowledging that the developers may make adjustments based on player feedback, he remains skeptical about the potential improvements that could compensate for the addition of the stamina bar.

Strider concludes his video by reiterating his negative stance on the stamina bar in Phantom Forces. He expresses his disappointment with the change and emphasizes the importance of player feedback in shaping the future of the game.