Tekken: The Raw Alpha Energy in Kazuya’s Kick – A Tekken Fans Discussion

Discover the intense discussions surrounding Tekken characters' moves and hitboxes in this lively fan community post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Unraveling the mysteries of Tekken has always been a rollercoaster ride, and a recent Reddit post has set the community on fire with debates about the hitboxes and physics in the game.


  • Community debates the hitboxes of Tekken moves.
  • Fans analyze the physics and realism in-game.
  • Different opinions on the fairness of certain character abilities.

Debating Hitboxes and Hit Physics in Tekken Characters

The post sheds light on a controversial in-game moment where fans are divided over the hitbox of a particular character’s move. While some argue for realism, others criticize the physics inconsistencies.

The Age-Old Discussion: Fairness in Tekken

Amidst the chaos, players are seen discussing the fairness of character abilities. Some feel certain moves are justified, while others label them as unfair advantages within the game.

Raw Alpha Energy vs. Hitboxes

One intriguing comment highlights the essence of Kazuya’s move by attributing it to the ‘Raw Alpha Energy’ he exudes, blending gameplay mechanics with thematic elements in Tekken.