Gaming News: Reddit Gamers Share Games That Make Them Feel Tiny and Insignificant

Discover which games make players feel small yet immersed. From vast landscapes to towering structures, find out the titles that evoke awe.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Reddit users discuss games that create a feeling of insignificance by immersing them in vast, awe-inspiring worlds.


  • Players love games that make them feel small and in awe of their surroundings.
  • Titles like Shadow of the Colossus, Grounded, and Kenshi are mentioned for their immersive worlds.
  • From massive landscapes to challenging bosses, these games evoke a sense of wonder and insignificance.

Destiny – the Giant and Majestic World

One user shared their fascination with Destiny’s vast environments and structures, which make them feel tiny and insignificant yet immersed in awe.

Grounded – A World in a Backyard

Grounded’s simple yet terrifying ladybug and expansive backyard make players feel small in a larger-than-life setting.

Disco Elysium – The Ending’s Impact

Another player mentions how the ending of Disco Elysium left them feeling insignificantly small, emphasizing the game’s profound narrative.

Elite Dangerous – Expansive Galaxy

Elite Dangerous impresses with its sheer scale, from galaxies to planets and space stations, highlighting players’ insignificance in the cosmos.