Tekken: Devil Jin Nerfed – Why the Community is Divided

Discover why Tekken fans are split on Devil Jin's recent nerfs and how it's sparking heated discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is buzzing over the recent nerf to Devil Jin and his Heat Smash move. Let’s dive into the heated debates!


  • Players divided on the rationale behind Devil Jin’s nerf.
  • Some believe the Heat Smash needed adjustment while others defend its power.
  • Community split between those celebrating the nerf and those upset by it.

Player Reactions

VTorb sarcastically remarks on the inevitability of the Heat Smash nerf, poking fun at those who expected otherwise.

Fira92 expresses concern for another player, showcasing empathy for those affected by the changes.

Community Sentiment

calvinabc, a Devil Jin main, admits to anticipating the nerf, suggesting recognition of the move’s strength.

Rainbowmodwig defends Devil Jin, attributing the hate to irrationality and a lack of reason within the community.

Gameplay Impact

Nikitanull points out the potential game-changing aspect of the Heat Smash, indicating a need for adjustments to its speed and range.

Michelle_Wongs_Wong expresses frustration towards Devil Jin players, showcasing a competitive attitude towards the character and its players.

Overall, the Tekken community is buzzing with discussions and emotions regarding Devil Jin’s recent nerf. Whether celebrating the adjustment or frustrated by it, players are passionate about their favorite characters and the changes made to them.