Palworld Post: Chillet Woes and Cooler Duty

Exploring the woes of a chillet on cooler duty in Palworld, with hilarious community anecdotes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld fans have been delving into the wild world of chillets over on Reddit. UnsolicitedThorn kicked things off with their chillet’s unexpected job role…


  • Chillets causing chaos in bases
  • Phase through floor bug woes strike again
  • Brain freezes and stolen ice cream, a tragic tale

Chillet Troubles

One user, j3wake3, hilariously pointed out how the Vanwyrm cryst is the go-to chiller for them, rejecting any chillet tweaking in their base. It seems the chillet drama is real in Palworld!

Phase Through Floor Bug

Another user, Kazoorion, lamented the inability to set up a base due to the dreaded ‘phase through floor’ bug in a specific circular area. It’s always a downer when bugs disrupt your gameplay.

Brain Freezes and Ice Cream Drama

IgnoredPebble shared a relatable struggle of suffering eternal brain freezes from stolen ice cream. The Palworld community seems to have a knack for turning mundane mishaps into comedic gold.