Tackling the RG+Evo Challenge: Strategies in Clash Royale Debated

Breaking down the Clash Royale reddit dialogue about the RG+Evo challenge's best strategies. Spam or smart play? We investigate.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent event in the world of Clash Royale, a player with username ‘djhamilton’ believed they were done in for in a match involving the RG+Evo combination. But, the outcome wasn’t exactly as anticipated, provoking an ocean of reactions from avid gamers.


  • Players debated the strategies employed
  • Discussions about decks’ compositions surfaced
  • The incessant placement of units at the bridge stirred contrasting opinions

Gameplay Critiques

‘Both of you guys just spammed stuff at the bridge and prayed,’ pointed out by a user named ‘Many_Presentation250,’ sparking a debate about the tactics employed on the battlefield. According to him, the method seemed illogical and not based on any meaningful plan.

Another user ‘The_total_squid’ echoed similar thoughts, adding that ‘Both of your decks are garbage,’ expressing disappointment over the choice of cards used in the decks by the two players.

Defensive Maneuvers

On the other end of the spectrum, user ‘StupidAssMf’ defended the tactic as an intelligent move rather than mindless spamming. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining an offensive- defensive balance, he appreciated the strategy of keeping the opponent restricted to their half. ‘If their units can’t cross the bridge they can’t damage your towers‘, he stated, using this event as a testimonial of reliable strategy against certain decks.

Misunderstandings and Amusement

‘I thought this was a loop for a second,’ wrote user ‘Grean00,’ signifying that the consistent filling of the bridge with units gave him a repetitive feeling as if watching a looped playback.

Lastly, ‘HeccMeOk’ added some humour into the discussion, calling the described tactics ‘WW1 battles summarized,’ creatively comparing the game’s strategy to a historic war, in which trench warfare was one of the main strategies wherein both sides would ‘spam’ soldiers in hopes of overrunning enemy trenches.

Indeed, this recent Clash Royale event has provided a considerable amount of food for thought for the gaming community. It’s fascinating to observe the variety in perspectives and the depth that is hidden beneath what appears to be a ‘simple’ video game. Whether it’s the criticism, the defense, the humor or the confusion, it’s all part of what makes the world of Clash Royale so enchantingly engaging.