Suicide Squad Gaming: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Truth

Join the conversation as fans discuss the state of Suicide Squad gaming and whether it's a hit or a miss!

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad Gaming: A recent Reddit post sparked a heated discussion among fans of the game, diving into the current state of gameplay and fanbase engagement.


  • Players express dismay over repetitive missions gated by paywalls
  • Disappointment with lack of engaging storyline in the game
  • Some fans are contemplating leaving the game due to recent updates

Diving into the Comments

One user, Hoppit124, expressed frustration, stating, ‘Honestly this a joke people defending a next expansion with the exact same missions you’ve done 100s of time to be blocked by a paywall or grinding yeah might not be the worst but it’s a clown fiesta for $70 game.’ This sentiment resonated with many fans who feel the game lacks fresh content and value for the price.

On the flip side, Sami_Steen shared a rare positive perspective, commenting, ‘the best comment I seen for this game.’ Despite the overall negativity, there are still glimpses of hope and enjoyment within the community.

Supernothing8 voiced their disappointment, saying, ‘I honestly just turned the game off when i saw that battlepass and no story. Absolutely killed what little excitement i had for the game.’ The absence of a compelling narrative seems to be a recurring letdown for players.

GranddaddySandwich’s blunt comment, ‘Yeah, I’m really going to delete this shit tonight,’ echoes the frustration felt by those who have reached their breaking point with the game’s current state.