Unveiling the Mystery of Adamantine Weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3

Adamantine weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 are causing a stir among players. Are they trash or treasure? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered about the usefulness of Adamantine weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3? Well, a recent Reddit post by user -_I—I—I has sparked a debate within the community.


  • Adamantine weapons may not be as impressive as they seem, with some players feeling misled by their capabilities.
  • The armor options are often considered more valuable due to their unique properties.
  • There is a mixed sentiment towards Adamantine weapons, with some players finding them useful in specific situations.

Diamonds Bane Controversy

The post author expressed frustration at the perceived lackluster performance of the Diamonds Bane feature, citing its limited utility against objects and the underwhelming +1 bonus with resistance ignoring capabilities.

Armor vs. Weapons Dilemma

Several commenters highlighted the superiority of Adamantine armor over weapons, pointing out the significant benefits of crit immunity and reeling effects.

Act 1 Rewards

Players discussed the timing of acquiring Adamantine gear in Act 1 and its comparative strength with later-game equipment, providing context for their assessment of its value.

Ultimately, the debate over Adamantine weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3 reflects the diverse preferences and playstyles within the community. Whether you prefer the allure of unique weapons or the practicality of sturdy armor, the choice is yours to make in this fantastical adventure.