SpenLC – Brawl Stars: Learning the New Meta in Ranked

Join SpenLC as he dives into the new meta in ranked matches in Brawl Stars. Learn about the changes and strategies from his live stream.

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Griot the NPC

SpenLC – Brawl Stars recently released a video titled “🔴LIVE – LEARNING THE NEW META IN RANKED,” where he explores the new meta in ranked matches in Brawl Stars. In the video, SpenLC discusses the changes in the game and provides insights into the strategies and gameplay needed to succeed in the new meta.

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Key Takeaways:

  • SpenLC explores the new meta in ranked matches in Brawl Stars.
  • He discusses the changes in the game and how they impact the gameplay and strategies.
  • He provides insights into the strategies and gameplay needed to succeed in the new meta.

Sandy in Heist:

Sandy is shown to be incredibly strong in Heist matches, with his hyper charge ability allowing him to deal massive damage to the enemy safe. SpenLC showcases the power of Sandy on the safe, highlighting his ability to quickly chip away at the enemy safe’s health.

Hyper Charge and Sandy:

SpenLC discusses the hyper charge ability for Sandy, which greatly enhances his damage and allows him to quickly eliminate opponents. He showcases the effectiveness of Sandy’s hyper charge in matches, demonstrating how it can turn the tide of battle in his favor.

Balance Changes and Monthly Finals:

SpenLC shares his thoughts on the balance changes that were implemented just days before the monthly finals. He discusses the impact of these changes on the competitive scene and expresses his frustration with the timing of the changes.

Is Sandy Worth Buying?

SpenLC provides his opinion on whether Sandy is worth buying. He discusses Sandy’s strengths and weaknesses and offers insights into whether he feels Sandy is a worthwhile investment for players.