Tekken Heaven’s Gate Move Debate – Is 1 Damage Too Little?

Discover why Tekken players are divided over Heaven's Gate dealing just 1 damage on a combo in the latest patch.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are torn over the recent patch change that reduced Heaven’s Gate damage to 1 in a combo. Some feel frustrated by the minimal impact, while others see potential.


  • Heaven’s Gate’s low damage sparks debate on its usefulness and balance.
  • Players criticize the move’s nerf but note its potential in certain situations.
  • The community discusses the balance of aggression and damage in Tekken.

Players’ Frustration

Some players express disappointment at Heaven’s Gate dealing only 1 damage, highlighting the move’s lackluster impact in combos.

Strategic Oki Contention

Debates arise on the move’s utility, with players pointing out its strong okizeme potential when used at the wall.

Community’s Dual View

Opinions on Tekken’s balance oscillate between desiring intense aggression and substantial damage, showcasing the game’s diverse player base.

Despite the clash of opinions, the Tekken community is united in its passion for the game, fueling discussions on move mechanics and balancing decisions. The Heaven’s Gate debate exemplifies the intricate interplay between player expectations, strategic depth, and game balance in the fighting game genre, igniting fervent conversations that enrich the community’s collective experience.