Solving the ‘Please Build Your Deck’ Alert in Clash Royale: Insights from the Community

Explore Clash Royale's community solutions to the 'Please Build Your Deck' prompt, based on lively subreddit discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

The spirited community behind Clash Royale often encounters intriguing instances in the game. Recently, one such incident involved a sudden ‘Please Build Your Deck’ message during a draft challenge, as shared by user Available-Radish-987.


  • The message seems to occur due to an incomplete deck or a deck-related glitch.
  • A quick-fix solution involves updating the tower troop selection or switching to a different complete deck.
  • The message seems not to significantly impact the functionality of the game or individual playing formats.

Dissecting the ‘Build Your Deck’ Message

Sudden notices like these could baffle even seasoned players. As explained by user Korunam, this message can pop up when a deck is incomplete or deleted, prompting the user to either complete the current deck or switch to another

Solutions Recounted

The players suggested two solutions. MallowMiaou informed that starting with a full deck, despite the fact it’s not in use, can bypass the alert. Conversely, CreeperAsh07 suggested a method where selecting a tower troop from the deck builder, even if it’s already selected, can solve the problem.

Community Reactions

Most users seem to take the message in stride, with DG-360 simply chuckling it off with a ‘Lool’. The versatile player community quickly reacted with solutions or workarounds almost as fast as the original poster shared the issue.

In the world of gaming, hiccups like these are common, yet they never cease to create a bit of a stir in the otherwise adrenaline-fueled landscapes. The Clash Royale community is a testament to how adaptable and resourceful players can be, jumping in with possible solutions and workarounds, turning snags into fun-filled learning lessons. So, let’s hear it for the Clash Royale fanbase! ‘Please build your deck’, sure, but more importantly, ‘Let’s keep building our community.’