Skull and Bones: Players Share Frustrations Over Maintenance Timing

Players vent about maintenance timing in Skull and Bones, sparking a debate on inconvenience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Criticism was aimed at the timing of maintenance work in Skull and Bones, with users debating the impact it had on their gameplay experiences.


  • Players express frustration over scheduled maintenance impacting their limited playtime.
  • Differing time zones highlight the challenge of finding a universally convenient window.
  • Some users defend the developer’s choices, citing broader player base considerations.
  • A divided opinion emerges, with some urging flexibility while others emphasize the need for better communication.

Frustrated Players

One user, dionysos803, expressed disappointment at the 10pm EST maintenance window, cutting into their precious gaming hour each day.

Another user, icecubedyeti, sardonically recommended planning alternative activities during maintenance time to avoid frustration.

Differing Perspectives

Ba55ah0lic acknowledged the inevitability of inconveniencing some players, attributing the timing to the developer’s local working hours.

echo_chamber_dweller critiqued the entitled mindset of expecting personalized service from the developer, advocating for a broader player-focused approach.

Community Voices

Juiceman730 highlighted the complexity of catering to a global player base, shedding light on the challenges faced by developers in scheduling maintenance.

GorzusCrackmonster offered a lighthearted remark amidst the heated discussions about maintenance timing in Skull and Bones.

The subreddit post saw a mix of frustrations, understanding, and differing opinions, reflecting the diverse perspectives within the Skull and Bones community.